Author Archives: Ruth Huggler

About Ruth Huggler

a little off-center, but full of good intentions

Welcome, Give Us Paws!

So what would it take to fill the need for a column about pets? I wondered. The chance to tack up the “writer” sign beside my name again was tempting. When I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in writing at age 21, I heard my professors from freshman year on down repeating, “Write about what you know!”

But right after graduation, I found I had nothing much to write about. I worked in a bookstore. I wrote advertising copy and news releases. I edited technical copy for a computer software manual. But every bit of wordsmithery I turned out was part of my work and not filled with much personality.

When I finally considered writing about pets, I opened the door to my heart. What I offer is my insight of nearly 20 years of having pets of one kind or another.

I live in a household of pet foibles: with six cats and an active teenager, my husband and I have weathered some incredible animal events. Between us, we have had mice, hamsters, gerbils, rats, a pigeon, hermit crabs, a dog, snakes, a squirrel, a parakeet, several frogs, a rabbit, salamanders, a chicken, turtles, and plenty of patience.

And whatever pet I haven’t had personally, I’ve read about, or known someone who has had one.

I’m no expert, and I won’t pretend to be one. I’ll share what I know and point you in the direction of more information whenever possible.

Give Us Paws arose from a blessing, a suggestion to “give pause” to an idea. In my mind, that instantly became an image of pet’s feet: just thinking about them makes me grin. Pets can have a positive effect on people in many ways.

My aim is to help you connect with and care for animals well-suited to your lifestyle and living conditions. Remember you’re dealing with living creatures. If you treat them well, you’re likely to find that adopting a pet is a rewarding experience.